Nowadays, studying MBBS in Ukraine and Russia gaining popularity among international students, because these countries have a number of the best medical Universities in World. Tuition fee for MBBS in Russia and Ukraine is very nominal and affordable as compared to other countries because it is subsidized by the Russian government. Russian and Ukrainian Medical Universities operating beneath the auspices of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine and the Russian Federation and are listed within the World Health Organization Directory of “World Medical Schools”. They are rated among the primary ten best medical universities of Russia and Ukraine with high number of foreign students.

Russian and Ukrainian Medical colleges are recognised by MCI, USMLE and WHO!

Thousands of doctors are already practicing in their homeland, whose studied MBBS in Russia or Ukraine. Thanks to their listing within the World Health Organization, students passing MBBS from Russian and Ukrainian medical Universities are eligible for the screening tests in their countries.

“The best thing about studying MBBS in Russia and Ukraine that there is no entrance test for admission in Russian medical colleges/universities. The degrees have been validated by WHO and UNESCO”.


Note:- Please be informed that from world over, there is a large number of applicants who want to study MBBS in Russia and Ukraine, the seats are limited and hence admissions are given strictly on a first come first served basis and depend on the final discretion of the university as per the availability. Therefore, is it better to apply early to get admission in top medical colleges of Russia and Ukraine.



Most popular medical courses among international students in Ukraine are:

  • Medicine: duration of the medical course is 6 years; degree awarded is doctor of medicine (MD or MBBS);
  • Dental: duration of the dental course is 5 years; degree awarded is bachelor of dentistry (BDS);
  • Pediatrics: duration of the course is 6 years; degree awarded is doctor of medicine (pediatrician);
  • Nursing: duration of the course is 4 years; degree awarded is bachelor of nursing.
  • Post graduate studies: duration of the study is 2-3 years;



The Medical course at the Any Russian University takes six years and leads to MD (Doctor of Medicine) or MBBS. In the under graduate program, during six years of study the students learn different subjects from fundamental subjects disciplines to special medical subjects. This is an exciting time in medicine as we look forward to developing new avenues in health care excellence. The practice of medicine remains one of the most requested of all professions and we believe that our Universities are the perfect places to acquire medical knowledge and gain the degree. They want to provide care for people and they feel that as physicians they can make a difference in their communities. For that reason, we have great faith that there is a bright future for health care.

The successful students who will complete study of five years, then on graduation work for another year under probation in order to gain general registration. There is a wide range of specialization available in the public and private sectors, involving research, academic medicine, public health, clinical medicine and other areas. Specialties include Cardiology, Oncology, Pediatrics, Psychological Medicine, Surgery, Pathology, Public Health, General Practice and many others. Most doctors complete postgraduate training in their chosen specialty.

Here is the course description with detailed MBBS syllabus
For 6 years of training 13,474 hours out of them:

  • Humanitarian subjects — 1,576 hours
  • Social-economic subjects — 432 hours
  • Fundamental /general scientific/ subjects — 2,180 hours
  • Professionally oriented subjects — 6,098 hours
  • Elective courses — 324 hours
  • Practical training — 972 hours
  • Subinternship /in the 6-th year — 1,892 hours



Curriculum at the dentistry faculty is provided for 5 academic years. The students go through the basic subjects of medical and biological profile, as well as various clinical disciplines, which are so necessary for a dentist. On condition of successful completion of study the graduates are given the Diploma of a doctor – dentist. The curriculum foresees the further postgraduate education. The degree awarded is BDS.

For the junior courses students study theoretical disciplines and beginning from the fourth course, they start studying clinical disciplines. At junior courses students study theoretical disciplines, whereas they start studying clinical disciplines from the fourth course. The chairs of anatomy, histology, normal physiology, biochemistry, general chemistry, having wonderful traditions in organization of educational process and high skilled teachers, could do profiles for the teaching of their disciplines, taking into account the faculty’s specificity. For mastering the propaedeutic course by students the departments have well equipped additional premises, acquired a necessary quantity of visual aids and special apparatus. Both teachers and students are involved in manuals’ edition at the University. A metal-ceramic laboratory and a laboratory for high frequency melting and casting of dentures are specially organized. At special dental departments the students study principal actual problems of dentistry: caries, paradonthosis, and diseases of the mucous membrane in the mouth cavity. The principle task of the dental faculty is perfection of higher dentistry education, raising the quality of doctors dental training. At the faculty they worked out and applied the complex of methodical ways for optimization of educational process, which is aimed at activation of cognitive activity of students, development of habits for educational and researching work, training the creative method of approach for professional activity. The stomatological faculty helps the students to obtain good knowledge in the dental field. It grows and develops, absorbing all the best from the experience of the University’s work.

Here is the course description with detailed Dentistry syllabus
For 5 years of training: 11,147 hours out of them:

  • humanitarian subjects 1,026 hours
  • social-economic subjects 486 hours
  • fundamental /general scientific/ subjects 1,854 hours


When it comes to study medicine abroad in English, medical schools in Ukraine and Russia are one of the best destinations. Students from all over the world (UK, Germany, Scandinavian, India, Africa etc.) are attracted by medical studies (medicine, dentistry, podiatry, and nursing etc.) in Ukraine and Russian due to very low living cost, tuition fees and quality of medical studies.


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